Here are just a few snippets (in no particular order) from Prep that are good things to keep in mind to help things go more smoothly when you’ve added a new baby to the family.
- Keep the husband and wife relationship a priority! Care for each other. Date each other regularly.
- Make sure to keep the feed-wake-sleep cycle in that order!
- Work to have the first feeding of the day at a consistent time every day.
- Be careful of having wake time be too long or too stimulating – this makes good naps harder as Baby get overtired and over-stimulated.
- Always feed a hungry baby.
- Learn what the normal cry periods are, as well as the abnormal ones. Assess what Baby needs.
- Put Baby down for naps/bedtime awake so he can learn the skill of going to sleep on his own.
- Do not be afraid of a little crying to get to sleep – this is a normal cry period and necessary to learn the skill of sleeping.
- Learning to sleep is a necessary skill!
- Remember your long term goals. Is what you are doing helping facilitate those goals?
- Make sure Baby gets a full feeding and is not just snacking.
- Remember the preciousness of others and context!
- Monitor Baby’s growth and feedings with the healthy baby growth chart.
- Growth spurts take place at around 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. You may need to add in an extra feeding for a few days during these times.
- Having flexibility in the baby’s routine can only take place after the routine is consistently in place and Baby is napping well until the next feeding.
- If Baby is waking early from naps (before it is time for the next feeding), evaluate if it is a hunger issue, a routine issue, a wake time issue, or something else. Pray and discern and work to get Baby back on track. See chapter 7 in PFP.
- An hour and a half nap or more is the ideal. This gets Baby to sleep through 2 or more sleep cycles. A normal sleep cycle is approximately 45 minutes long. Watch for the 45 minute intruder!
- Enjoy your baby!
Perfect timing, we are currently teaching a Prep class, have two other moms who recently had babies, know the principles and are asking for some tips. Thanks, Roxie