Love DNA

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Love DNA“I Love You”

These simple, profound words communicate a deep meaning expressing a connection, a commitment, a feeling, a decision.

These three words are the most powerful words that can be given to someone.

These three words are the most powerful words that can be received from another.

If this is true, why do we sometimes feel anything but loved from those around us, those who we know “love” us? Why do we sometimes sense the connection is just off between us and our children? Why do our efforts of expressing love seem to actually make things worse and the distance even greater?

Husbands, wives and children all have different primary touchpoints of love. These touchpoints are like different languages – LOVE LANGUAGES. The why behind the frustration can be because we are speaking a different love language than our spouse and children.

There are six ways of expressing and love. Everyone has a primary love language in which they receive love the greatest followed by important yet secondary languages.

1. Words of Encouragement

2. Acts of Service

3. Gift-Giving

4. Quality Time

5. Physical Touch

6. Thoughtfulness

It is important to know the love languages of those around us so we can “speak their language” so love can beexpressed AND received in the way it was intended.

Someone once shared that the hearts around us are like “love tanks” that need to be filled on a regular basis. When “love tanks” are empty, the expression of love feels unfilled and the connection seems to be off. Knowing the love language of another enables us to “fill their tank” allowing the relationship to be strong and healthy in the way it was intended. Just yesterday, my 10-year old son couldn’t figure out why he was feeling low, sad, and just not himself. I too was wondering the same. He later came to me and said “Mom, I think my love tank is empty…I need a hug.” Love can be so complex…often it is so simple.

Learn the love language of those around you and speak it within your home.

Love Language assessments for children can be found in the parenting materials available through Growing Families International

Note: Children under the age of five respond to all 6 Love Languages.

Follow Julie Keating:
Julie Keating is a Contact Mom and GEMS(R) leader with Christian Family Heritage. Julie and her husband Don have lead GFI classes in their home area of Detroit, MI for 18 years. They are the parents of 5 children ranging in age from 10 to 18.

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