Looking back on our parenting, there are things we are thankful we did, and using a playpen with our babies is one of them!
Our oldest daughter was three weeks old when we moved in with my parents. Our little one’s playpen was her crib and her playpen. We were not familiar with Growing Families at the time. We were just making our unusual situation “work.”
Fast forward five years and our second daughter was born. By then, we were Prep parents! We understood the value of playpen time, both from personal experience and from what we learned in Prep. We traveled often, and her playpen was her crib-away-from-home. She fell asleep quickly because she was in a familiar bed. When we were home, at least one nap a day was in the playpen.
As a reminder, here are a few benefits from using a playpen, taken right from Preparation for Parenting:
- It provides a safe environment. When your attention must be elsewhere, the playpen is a safe place for baby to be. You can take a shower, unload the groceries from the car, care for your other children, or do a host of other activities all the while knowing your baby is safe.
- It doubles as a portable bed.
- It offers a structured learning center. Having playpen time every day allows your baby the opportunity to develop:
* focusing skills
* a sustained attention span
* creativity
* the ability to entertain himself
* orderliness
Whether it is out of necessity or by choice, the playpen can be a huge blessing to you and your little one.
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