2011 Charleston Family conference General Sessions 6 CD Set
2011 Unstoppable Conference: General Session Speakers

A Look at Effective Prayer, A 3 Part Series
This teaching, by Anne Marie Ezzo and Sharon Carter, gives practical encouragement and reminders about the Biblical command to pray.

Boundaries, Choices & First Time Obedience
This presentation by Anne Marie Ezzo looks at God’s standard of submission, boundaries, choices, and obedience.

Character Training
Training children in character comes through training their hearts. A teaching by Sheryl Nickels.

Complacency, Conviction, Commitment, Courage
Anne Marie challenges women to think about what their convictions are, and what their convictions are based on This presentation is a thought-provoking look at one’s commitment to Christ, His Word, and the application of truth.

Creative Family Times MP3
Learn from the CFH Board members how they put CFT ideas into practice in their homes with their own children.

Discipline of Sobermindedness
The CFH Board shares insights as to the importance of soberminded living and what it looks like to walk sobermindedly in our present culture.

Dispelling the ‘SuperMom’ Myth
What is a ‘SuperMom’? Ask a group of women and you will get completely different answers. Why? Because every Mom will define ‘SuperMom’ based on what she sees other Moms do that make her envious of them.

Expectations vs. Reality
Anne Marie Ezzo and Sharon Carter discuss the way Moms often want things to be (expectations) and the way that they actually are (reality), and how to deal with the tension that is present when one does not match the other.

First Time Obedience, 2-part set
Anne Marie Ezzo shares thoughts on obedience that are both practical and encouraging. In the second part of the presentation, Gary Ezzo discusses the question of whether or not your child is too young to obey.

Getting Back to the Basics
Anne Marie Ezzo and a panel of experienced Contact Moms help Moms get back to the basics by examining several foundational principles.

Getting Rid of Clutter
This presentation discusses 3 areas of our lives that need to be kept in tip-top shape; Clutter in our homes, clutter in our parenting and clutter in our hearts.

Moms want to know what the Bible says and what it means to ‘train’ the heart. Anne Marie Ezzo and Sharon Carter discuss what can be done in training the heart of a child.

Holiness: A life style, 2 CD Set
This 2 CD set offers practical application of how living a set-apart, holy life is not as complicated as one may think.

Homeschool – Maintaining your Sanity
Sharon Carter was a homeschooling Mom of 7 children, ages 18 to 18 months at the time of this presentation. She shares thoughts and practical tips on preschool, homeschool basics, selecting curriculum, organizing your day, scheduling, accountability, learning attitudes, and … Read More

Honoring & Reverencing Your Husband
This discussion gives special attention and help to those who find themselves in a position where respecting their husband may be difficult to do.

How Our Words Can Defile Us
Join Anne Marie Ezzo and Sharon Carter as they share with Moms the Biblical importance of learning to use words wisely.

iImpact: Where’s the Balance – 2 part set
What affect is technology having on this generation and how do we parent with balance?

Little Men and Little Women
Sharon Secor (mother of boys) and Marguerite Tyson (mother of girls) compare and contrast the differences and similarities of boys and girls. Areas that are discussed include the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of boys and girls.

Mealtime Behavior
Gary Ezzo shares that focusing on the “preciousness of others” is not impossible during mealtime. Moms can learn how to make this happen in their home and when their family is eating in public.